The Message I Share.

I share my truth so I can inspire you to find your own.

The thoughts, ideas, concepts, and conclusions I share with you are based on three pillars. The triangulation of data - IYKYK ;).

They come to me as a form of inspiration - that I intend to form into something tangible. Words, sentences, graphs, illustrations.

The three pillars are:

  1. the message from me - something I experienced, that I know from my mind and body - something that is true for me

  2. the message from others - something other people shared that hit the mark for me - their truth becoming my truth too

  3. the message from the Divine/God - an “aha moment”, something that comes through me but did not originate in me

The Purpose

Why do I do that?

I want to share my truth that unfolds on my life path - so my part could become an inspiration for someone to find their own truth too.

I get inspired by the life journeys of others - their truth helps me find mine - I could be a part of the chain - for others to find missing elements of theirs.

I intend for the message I share to be - just - an inspiration. Maybe a small bell will ring inside you sometimes. Maybe not. The outcome of the message is not mine. The delivery is.

As Ram Dass said,

“We're all just walking each other home.”


Shedding Skin


The Mountain Is You.